Grant for

Dear Kolibri DAO Members,

The StakeNow Team is asking for a grant to compensate for our efforts for the Kolibri integration within In addition, the funds will be used to improve the Kolbiri experience even further. We believe that will give Kolibri users invaluable insights into their vault(s).

About StakeNow

Our team consists of four people, two of them are already working full-time for StakeNow. We started as an infrastructure provider (baker) for the Tezos blockchain and want to scale it now vertically within the Tezos ecosystem. Some of you already had contact with us because of TRD, the most used open-source payout tool for bakers for which we are one of the maintainers.


We saw an immense interest after the announcement of our project in December and we are close to opening the early access for already signed-up users. Since we have been very excited about Kolibri in the beginning, it was the first project we integrated and we are very proud of how it currently works and looks:

About the Kolibri Grant Request

So far, StakeNow is completely self-funded. The grant would allow us to increase our efforts and build upon the current base. The interaction with the vaults would be the next logical step for us to integrate. However, also the Kolibri saving possibility would be something we would love to see within

Grant Size

We are asking for 6000 kUSD. Half of the grant will compensate for our already taken effort to integrate Kolbiri within, the other half will be used to develop the interaction part. Nevertheless, the funds will also be used to get more comfortable with the opportunities presented by Kolbiri i.e. the savings contract.

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Nice. I think you can submit a proposal. I will vote for yes.